Versapay Cash Application Boosted Efficiency 69%

Commissioned from Forrester Consulting

May 23rd, 2024

Versapay Cash Application streamlines processes, reduces costs, and improves efficiency using AI-powered matching technology. Get Versapay's Total Economic Impact™ study (May 2024) to:

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Learn the benefits and costs of investing in Versapay

See the potential financial ROI of Versapay on your enterprise

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"We are seeing the time drop from about 3 to 4 hours daily pre-Versapay, to about 1/2 an hour post-Versapay. We are saving time on processing credit card payments and on cash application" — Financial Planning Accountant 

Take a peek inside the study:

TEI 2024 Cash App Stat1 2

Streamlined cash application led to benefits of $527,300 over 3 years, and an ROI of 138%

TEI 2024 Cash App Stat2

Net savings present value over 3-years, with a less than 6 months investment payback period

TEI 2024 Cash App Stat3

20% improvement in DSO led to reduced interest payments worth $200,400 over 3 years

Two women smiling, having a conversation

Framework and methodology

How was this ROI calculated?

Forrester interviewed four of Versapay's customers and aggregated their experiences into a single composite organization. During their interviews, Forrester explored:

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  • Cash posting efficiencies
  • Interest cost savings
  • Reductions in unpaid invoices
  • Payment depositing efficiencies 
  • Software and implementation costs
  • And more! 

Discover how Versapay Cash Application increased productivity, accuracy, and cash flow, while lowering AR costs